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Version: v0.14


These are headers used for Application Requests.


A bearer formatted access token used for user authentication.
This header is only required by user-authenticated routes.

{ "Authorization": "Bearer eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6IjYyNDE5ODM0ZmMwZGFiMGVhZjA1ZjVjZSIsImlhdCI6MTY0ODQ2NjA3OSwiZXhwIjoxNzM0ODY2MDc5fQ.mDlETjM2y0hahbhJy_cKRmNM5X4wFigqoWw9j7QzO6E" }

User access tokens cannot be used interchangeably with administrator access tokens!

The Authentication module provides multiple authentication strategies for you to choose from.
Your authentication strategy affects how you register users and obtain user authentication tokens.

Obtaining User Access and Refresh Tokens

Out of the box, Conduit's Authentication module utilizes Local Authentication in order to provide you with a simple, yet extendable, strategy that's capable of functioning without further configuration.

Read up on how to make use of the Local Authentication strategy in order to create your users and generate authentication tokens.

Security Client Id & Secret

A client id and secret header pair related to a Conduit Security client.
These headers are not required by default, unless you configure Router with client validation turned on.
If you choose to do so you'll need to provide them for most administrative routes, with the exception of:

  • REST API Ping Endpoints (/ and /health)
  • Hook Routes (/hook/*)
  • GraphQL (GET: /graphql)
  • Swagger (GET: /swagger & /swagger.json whenever Core is in development mode)
"clientid": "7cc71118441b3a9a45a6d667b198c5",
"clientsecret": "745a3d40515abe7ca9cd5a0a4bf1e0ab1734403099cde1790cf8776cd8d50b654a5c419ad7b6fa380cc6b3f945a426465c80a2673667e669922f4fbf88489a99"

Find out more about security clients in the Security section.